Privacy Policy
Edible Fungi and Products Branch of China Chamber of Commerce of Food, Native Produce and Animal Products Import and Export.We take the security of our customers and suppliers' information very seriously. This page describes our policy regarding the protection of personal information.

1. Comply with laws and regulations

We comply with all national laws, policies and other regulations related to the protection of personal information.

2. Establish and continuously improve policies for handling personal information

From company leaders to the most basic employees, we must fully realize the need to protect personal information. We adhere to and comply with guidelines for the appropriate protection and use of personal information. We also strive to continuously improve these guidelines.

3. Collection, Use and Release of Personal Information

We clearly define the purposes for which personal information will be used. Within these limits, we may only obtain, use and release personal information with the consent of the individual concerned.

4. Safety Management

We strive to maintain the secure management of personal information and take necessary measures to prevent unauthorized data access, loss, destruction, alteration or disclosure.

5. Disclosure and Correction

Requests to disclose, edit, or delete personal information should be responded to on a case-by-case basis before the requestor’s identity is confirmed.

*If you have any questions about your personal data, please direct them to the Company.
The Edible Fungi and Products Branch of China Chamber of Commerce of Food, Native Produce and Animal Products is affiliated to China Chamber of Commerce of Food, Native Produce and Animal Products. It is mainly responsible for the coordination, service, promotion and protection of the national edible fungi import and export trade business. It has more than 100 large-scale backbone member companies engaged in edible fungi production, processing, circulation and trade in China.
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